30: The Magic Number
A Bite-Size Read for Your Health and Your Waistline
We’ve all heard “sitting is the new smoking.” Whether working from home or in an office, as adults, sitting is the most common activity we do. This leads many of us to infinite conversations with friends (and with ourselves!) about calculating and strategizing how to find time for actual activity. Here’s the answer: 30–30–30! What is 30–30–30? Will it take me back to being 30 again?
30–30–30 is 30 pushups, 30 squats, and 30 crunches. A modified version of the 30–30–30 routine is 30 jumping jacks, a 30-second plank, and 30 arm circles. For those who are older or have mobility and joint issues, I created a version just for you which you can do entirely from the comfort of your chair. This includes 30 leg lifts, 30 tricep dips, and 30 side bends. (Notice the pattern?) Upon first glance, I had to mentally prepare myself for doing these exercises, but it is definitely doable.
This exercise plan can be completed wherever you are, one time or many times per day! Originally, I added this during commercial breaks when watching TV or waiting for the credits to end…you know back in the days before tech removed commercials. Even though we generally don’t watch TV with commercials anymore, there is still time to do this routine during your workday. Ever have 2 minutes before your next zoom and wonder, what can I tackle in 2 minutes? THIS! Literally, I timed myself doing each of the examples above and all took less than 2 minutes. We CAN ALL find some time for this. The whole reason why 30–30–30 exists is for us to get more movement throughout our day. As I always say, move your mass! Our bodies were not designed to sit all day and then go berserk in the gym for an hour. Even though most of us fall into this category, keep in mind that it’s better for our bodies to get small amounts of movement regularly.
If you’re concerned about getting all sweaty while doing this workout, don’t be! Your clothes, makeup, and hair will stay intact and untouched for the 2 minutes you are moving. I have tried this workout plenty of times before and the results have spoken: everything was fine and dandy! And feel free to mix it up! Take elements of all three workouts I mentioned and combine them into your own order. This is definitely a customizable routine that can be completed anywhere at any time of day. No more excuses. 2 minutes on the clock…and GO!